Art journal 10-13 and a Blog break

Hi everyone,

As you’ve noticed it’s been quiet around here lately…

I have been very busy the last few weeks and, unfortunately, I didn’t have any inspiration to make and create new things. I hope to be back soon, but for now I’ve decided to take a break from blogging for a while. Knowing myself, I will be back :). However, my posts will probably appear less frequently, since I find that I have less time to create… Besides, I always feel that my posts should have some ‘new’-value: some topics you can find anywhere on the internet, so there’s no point in repeating that. But that is just my opinion ;). What do you think?

By the way, I will not continue to automatically feature my posts on facebook, so if you want to keep track of what I am up to: please sign up to follow my blog via email! You will get a notification every time I write a new blog post!! You can sign up on my homepage, clicking the button on the right. You can undo that anytime you like, so no worries! Or, you could just check in every now and then ;).

For today I want to show you my art journal pages 10 to 13, though! Everyone likes to see pictures, right?

Here they come:

'But how to find you' - Acrylic paint and handmade stencils

‘But how to find you’ – Acrylic paint and handmade stencils

'Just stamping around' - Acrylic paint, pen and ink, handmade lino- foam and rubber stamps.

‘Just stamping around’ – Acrylic paint, pen and ink, handmade lino- foam and rubber stamps.

This is me :) Acrylic paint and on the right page image transfer of a print using Art Medium (Schjerning)

This is me 🙂 Acrylic paint and on the right page image transfer of a print using Art Medium (Schjerning)

'Girl in the bubble' - Acrylic paint and Posca markers. Stamping with acrylic paint on bubble wrap ;)

‘Girl in the bubble’ – Acrylic paint and Posca markers. Stamping with acrylic paint on bubble wrap 😉

I have been working on a small mixed media canvas recently! My first ever! I still have to take pictures of it now that it is finished, in daylight as I’ve promised. So come back later to see the results.

I guess every blogger has the issue of having a ‘writer’s block’ every once in a while, but as I’ve told you before: I don’t ever want to feel like I háve to write a blog every week or so. So, to stick to my 2014 resolutions: I will take and make more me-time! Sorry about that 😉

Hope to see you soon though, and keep making time to do something fun every day!!!!

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